Welcome back

So what's the story here? For various reasons, a little bit ago life told me that it needed me to start making some different moves. I've always intended to write more. I used to write more. I always told everyone around me I'd get around to it one day. Starting today, "one day" is here.

Welcome back

So what's the story here? Well, that's a long answer, a story for a different time. Here's the short:

For various reasons, a little bit ago life told me that it needed me to start making some different moves. I've always intended to write more. I used to write more. It burns me that I stopped and didn't know how to start again, and I always told everyone around me I'd get around to it one day.

Starting today, "one day" is here. Writing is back on the menu. I might have to un-learn some habits and foibles—extreme perfectionism being the worst of the lot—that always rear their ugly head.

What sort of things will I write into life here? Inshallah, many things with time, as many as the stars—but to begin with, the I have plans to provide commentary on and storytelling about:

  1. Game design articles and reviews (mostly in the roleplaying space),
  2. Cultural studies features,
  3. Historical stories / strategic studies, and
  4. A more general purpose observational feed in a tumblr/microblogging style. Mostly for myself, so I can remember quotes and interesting links.

Naturally, we'll see what winds the muses conjure.