Noted: The Virts are Back Yooooooooo the O.G. cardistry mavens are back in town! Deck looks, as usual, like 🔥
Noted: The Average Critic Via NNT. To borrow from Raymond Chandler: The average critic never recognizes an achievement when it happens. He explains it after it has become respectable.
Noted: Stanford, Cal, SMU bolt for the ACC ACC will add Stanford, Cal & SMU in 2024, sources told @ActionNetworkHQ. The league’s presidents got the required 12 of 15 votes to expand the ACC’s football membership to 17 schools. SMU will not receive any media rights revenue for 1st 7 years, while Stanford & Cal will
Noted: Pseudointellectual Dummy Joins Climate Denialism I won't bother to link to the piece, Peterson's bad ideas don't need any more exposure than they already get, I'll just provide the Approved Response from Nassim Taleb.
Noted: I felt a disturbance in The Force This scene of glowy cgi Luke Skywalker and unweathered cosplay Ahsoka looking like they're in two different environments woodenly discussing baby yoda and namedropping the Mandalorian sums up the current direction of the brand to me — Jenny Nicholson (@JennyENicholson) August 30, 2023 Woof. How
Noted: Lego MILS-system Roads A super-helpful presentation about how to manage a couple different styles of MILS-system compatible roads for your LEGO cities. Very useful! MILS Part 3: Brickcan PresentationIn part 3 of our series on MILS, we take a look at Neil’s slides from his talk at the May 2021 Brickcan.The
On Additive Risk Management I’m reading Mark Spitznagel’s new book (Safe Haven) and, as ever, it is proving to be a goldmine. Part 1.